
Finding A Social Security Lawyer: 5 Things to Consider

In this article, the National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives (NOSSCR) lays out a roadmap for finding a Social Security lawyer that’s right for you. ...
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Social Security Q&A: How Should My Spouse File If I’m Now Collecting?

Question: What is the best way to determine my wife’s Social Security benefit? I am 70 and drawing benefits and she is 56. We are both retired. Answer: You can go online and retrieve ...

Running Out Of Money Is More Than Just A Worry For Many Seniors, Study Finds

This story was originally published on Kaiser Health News (KHN), a nonprofit national health policy news service. For many older people and their families, particularly those dealing ...
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Social Security Q&A: Should We File and Suspend? If So, When?

Question: I saw your PBS Newshour interview about spousal benefits. I earn less than my spouse, and I turned 66 in August. My spouse turned 66 earlier this month. Are we better off ...

Will Military Pension Overhaul Help or Hurt Career Troops?

An overhaul of the U.S. military’s retirement system is gaining momentum and seems likely to eventually clear the House and Senate. The details of the overhaul can be read here; ...
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Social Security Q&A: If We’re Both on Disability, Can I Collect On My Ex’s Record?

Question: I am 52, my husband is 60, and we both collect Social Security disability insurance. If we get divorced, can I collect money from his disability? Answer: If you have been ...
Video: Pension Limbo Spurs Early Retirement in Illinois

Benefits Not to Blame for Illinois Pension Underfunding, Says Report

A new analysis from the Chicago Sun-Times and the Better Government Association reveals that some retired Illinois public workers earn hefty pensions – but most don’t. And when ...
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Social Security Q&A: Can I Collect as a Divorced Widow After 7 Years of Marriage?

Question: I am 58 years old. I was married in 1977, but my husband unfortunately was an alcoholic and decided he wanted to drink more than be married, so I left him and fended for ...
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Social Security Q&A: Can My Son Really Not Get a Survivor’s Benefit at 19?

Question: My son is 19 and a senior in high school. They say he can no longer receive benefits from his deceased dad because he turned 19 in November. He needs that check until May ...
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Social Security Q&A: Why Can’t I Suspend Spousal Benefits to Increase Them?

Question: Why can’t a spouse cancel spousal benefits after his wife suspends her retirement benefit? I decided to wait until I retired and was told my husband could cancel his spousal ...
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