
Social Security Q&A: Why Can’t I Suspend Spousal Benefits to Increase Them?

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Question: Why can’t a spouse cancel spousal benefits after his wife suspends her retirement benefit? I decided to wait until I retired and was told my husband could cancel his spousal benefits. When he tried, he was told he could not do this. Is that true?

Answer: You can withdraw a spousal benefit (i.e., tell Social Security not to send you the money), but you can’t suspend it and start it up later at a higher value. In other words, once you take a spousal benefit, there is no advantage to stopping the checks. As to why we’re allowed to suspend our retirement benefit (only between full retirement age and age 70) and restart it again before or at age 70, but we aren’t allowed to do the same with spousal or survivor benefits, I don’t know.

Social Security’s opaque, intricate, irritating, insulting and indecipherable rules were, it appears, made up over the years to ensure that no one would possibly be able to understand what they could and couldn’t get back from the system. No matter how well intentioned, this is social engineering at its worst.


When it comes to personal finance, economics and our software care about one thing—your living standard. All questions in personal finance boil down to your living standard. Your decision about when and how to take Social Security can affect your living standard throughout your retirement.

I am a professor of economics and I’ve spent a good part of my academic career studying personal financial behavior. Here’s why my colleagues and I developed Maximize My Social Security. Deciding, on your own, which Social Security benefits to take and in which month to take them is incredibly difficult. Most households face millions of options. You can easily lose tens of thousands of dollars making the wrong choices.

My company’s software, Maximize My Social Security, can help you avoid costly mistakes and instead discover your maximized lifetime household benefits.

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