
Elder Fraud for Dummies: Research Shows the Methods to the Madness of Fraudulent Annuities

Recent research, published in The Gerontologist, examined the sales practices of a long-defunct and disgraced company that sold unsuitable annuities to seniors. The tricks and techniques ...

Deadliest Type of Elder Abuse?

Recent research, published in the Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, estimated mortality risks by types of abuse by examining over 1,600 substantiated abuse cases in Texas. Elder ...

Beauty In the Eye of the Government: Nursing Home Ratings Inaccurately Report Satisfaction

A paper, published in the most recent issue of The Gerontologist, uses data from tens of thousands of resident and family surveys to examine the link between star ratings and consumer ...

Fear and the Financial Advisor: Elderly Anxious About Financial Advisors

Ageing and Society recently published a study showing that the poor and elderly are the most anxious demographic when dealing with financial advisors. Often, opening your books to ...

Longshot Bill Aims to Fund More Elder Abuse Programs

A bill introduced last month in the U.S. Senate aims to boost federal funding to state programs that deal with the reporting of elder abuse and the support of victims. The bill, called ...

NJ Bill, Establishing Elder Abuse Task Force, Gathers Dust on Governor’s Desk

On April 7, a New Jersey bill cleared both the state Assembly and Senate unanimously. [Read the bill, called SB157, here]. The legislation has yet to be signed by Gov. Chris Christie, ...

Resident Dies on Nursing Home Lawn After Sunburn, Heart Failure

A Florida man died this month when he was left unattended on the lawn of the nursing home in which he lived. The man, who was wheelchair-bound and immobile, suffered burns and dehydration, ...

Prison Time for Broker Who Swindled Elderly Out of $2 Million

A broker who used fraudulent investments to swindle nearly $2 million from his elderly and unsophisticated clients was sentenced to prison last month and ordered to repay his victims. Michael ...

In Thailand, Population Getting Older – And Caregivers Getting Poorer

Thailand’s working population rapidly aging. For the sons, daughters and other caregivers who look after the country’s elderly population, cost of care is becoming most households’ ...

Video: How Will Rising Longevity Shape Our World?

Some of the world’s brightest minds convened at the Milken Institute Global Conference last week. One panel discussion, titled How Increasing Longevity Will Shape Our World, ...
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