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Social Security Q&A: Should We File and Suspend? If So, When?

Question: I saw your PBS Newshour interview about spousal benefits. I earn less than my spouse, and I turned 66 in August. My spouse turned 66 earlier this month. Are we better off ...
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Social Security Q&A: If We’re Both on Disability, Can I Collect On My Ex’s Record?

Question: I am 52, my husband is 60, and we both collect Social Security disability insurance. If we get divorced, can I collect money from his disability? Answer: If you have been ...
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Social Security Q&A: Can I Collect as a Divorced Widow After 7 Years of Marriage?

Question: I am 58 years old. I was married in 1977, but my husband unfortunately was an alcoholic and decided he wanted to drink more than be married, so I left him and fended for ...
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Social Security Q&A: Can My Son Really Not Get a Survivor’s Benefit at 19?

Question: My son is 19 and a senior in high school. They say he can no longer receive benefits from his deceased dad because he turned 19 in November. He needs that check until May ...
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Social Security Q&A: What Would My Survivor Benefits Be After We Both Collected?

Question: If my spouse collects a certain amount of Social Security and he passes away, how much of it would the spouse receive even if she is on Social Security? Answer: If your husband ...
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Social Security Q&A: When Can I Collect a Survivor’s Benefit?

Question: My husband passed away in 2009 at age 81. I am 54 now. When can I collect his benefits? Answer: Very sorry for your loss. You need to be at least age 60 to collect widow’s ...
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Social Security Q&A: With Three Exes, How Should I File For Benefits?

Question: I have been married three times — for 13 years to the first husband, for 12 years to the second and six years to the third. I am currently single, receiving ex-widow benefits ...
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Social Security Q&A: Are Benefit Estimates From Social Security Accurate?

Question: How Accurate Are Social Security’s Benefit Estimates? Answer: Social Security used to send annual statements showing us they had correctly credited our past covered ...
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Social Security Q&A: Can I Switch to Full Spousal After Collecting Early Retirement?

Question: I was married for 22 years, then divorced. One of my daughters became disabled six years ago. I quit work at age 62 and filed for Social Security, as she needs full-time ...
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Social Security Q&A: Can I Still Collect If My Ex Wants Me To Get Nothing?

Social Security may be your largest or one of your largest assets. How you manage it, by deciding which benefits to collect and when, can make an absolutely huge difference to your ...
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