Houston Police Search for Retirement Home Scammers
Houston police are searching for two young women who have been scamming retirement home residents by pretending to be high school students raising funds for a school trip.
The young ...

New Fake Law Enforcement Scam in Kentucky
In Kentucky, a scammer claiming to be a “Sergeant Joe Crews” offers help resolving a federal warrant that has been issued against the victim. The scam is similar to the ...

Woman on Trial for Allegedly Stealing $150,000 From Nursing Home Residents
A Pittsfield, Massachusetts woman is on trial for allegedly stealing $150,000 from nursing home residents over a four-year period.
According to the Berkshire Eagle, prosecutors have ...

New Tax Fraud Protections Could Delay Refunds
A new initiative that unites the IRS, state authorities and the tax preparation industry in preventing identity theft will hopefully safeguard taxpayers against fraud—but it might ...

IRS Releases PSAs On Phone Scams
The IRS is warning of a phone scam in new public service announcements intended to spread awareness of the issue.
In the PSA, a woman says, “The IRS is calling me? Is this for real?” ...

Internet Romance Scams Can Impact Anyone
The increase of traffic on dating websites at this time of year creates a higher chance for users to fall prey to online romance scams.
What begins as a simple message to a possible ...

Indiana Struggles to Handle Financial Exploitation Cases
Indiana’s Adult Protective Services is not equipped to handle most cases of financial exploitation, an investigation by IndyStar has found.
Financial exploitation of older adults ...

Scam Artists Seek Opportunity With Recent Flood Victims
Recent flood victims are urged to seek and accept assistance with caution as their current situation leaves them vulnerable to scams. Illinois officials in particular are warning that ...

More Phone Scammers Posing as Utilities, ComEd Says
Scammers are targeting both residential and small businesses in droves, according to a new warning from ComEd.
ComEd said that the amount of attempted impersonations was nearly eight ...

Better Business Bureau Outlines Prominent Scams of 2015
The Better Business Bureau has utilized Scam Tracker to generate a list of the top scams of 2015. Over 10,000 consumers submitted reports that aided investigators in collecting and ...