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Social Security Q&A: When Can I Collect a Survivor’s Benefit?

Question: My husband passed away in 2009 at age 81. I am 54 now. When can I collect his benefits? Answer: Very sorry for your loss. You need to be at least age 60 to collect widow’s ...
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Social Security Q&A: With Three Exes, How Should I File For Benefits?

Question: I have been married three times — for 13 years to the first husband, for 12 years to the second and six years to the third. I am currently single, receiving ex-widow benefits ...
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Social Security Q&A: Are Benefit Estimates From Social Security Accurate?

Question: How Accurate Are Social Security’s Benefit Estimates? Answer: Social Security used to send annual statements showing us they had correctly credited our past covered ...
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Social Security Q&A: Can I Switch to Full Spousal After Collecting Early Retirement?

Question: I was married for 22 years, then divorced. One of my daughters became disabled six years ago. I quit work at age 62 and filed for Social Security, as she needs full-time ...
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Social Security Q&A: Will Canceling My Green Card Prevent Collecting Benefits?

Question: Can I collect my Social Security income if I cancel my green card? Answer: Assuming that you’re a citizen of Switzerland, the answer is yes, but otherwise I’d check with ...
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Social Security Q&A: Can I Still Collect If My Ex Wants Me To Get Nothing?

Social Security may be your largest or one of your largest assets. How you manage it, by deciding which benefits to collect and when, can make an absolutely huge difference to your ...
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Social Security Q&A: Will Selling a Rental Home Affect Our Social Security?

Question: My husband and I are both going to be 70 in 2015 and are currently receiving Social Security. My question is this: We have an opportunity to sell our rental home with a value ...
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Social Security Q&A: Isn’t It Best to File at 66?

Question: Just some food for thought: I am now 66 years old, female, married, and have worked all my life and am still working. I started collecting my own Social Security the month ...
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Social Security Q&A: Should I Collect on My Own Record Before My Widow’s Benefit?

Question: My deceased husband never took retirement and his insured amount is very much higher than mine. I will be 64 shortly and want to know if I file on my own (that being about ...
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Social Security Q&A: Why Wasn’t Information About Potential Death Benefits Made Available?

Question: My brother recently passed away at age 53. His wife had passed away five years earlier. Their youngest child was 11 when she passed away. In looking at all of my brother’s ...
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