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Social Security Q&A: Is the Family Maximum Really Not Reduced If I Claim Early?

Question: Larry, thanks for what you do. I am 61, and maybe going to retire at 62 from the Sheriff’s Department. I do not fall into the windfall provision category. I have an estimated ...

Three Ways to Boost Your Retirement Income

Everyone can use extra income in retirement – the more the better. But how can you start that extra income stream? The Motley Fool recently posed that question to a math professor ...

How To Get An Extra Month of Social Security Benefits For Free

Boston University economist Larry Kotlikoff has been answering Social Security questions and giving advice on the subject for years. But he wrote one of his more interesting columns ...
What Happens to Your Disability Benefit When You Reach Full Retirement Age?

What Happens to Your Disability Benefit When You Reach Full Retirement Age?

  Almost 11 million Americans receive disability benefits. But what happens to that benefit when you reach an age where you can begin claiming Social Security? It’s a common ...
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