
GOP Platform Includes Points On Long-Term Care, Elder Abuse

It’s hard to predict whether the GOP’s loose-cannon presidential candidate will stick to any script.

Nevertheless, the Republican National Committee released the Party’s official platform last week, and it contains several points on long-term care and elder abuse.

There aren’t too many specifics, but the platform document notes the GOP will prioritize home health care and implement policies to prevent elder abuse.

From the document:

Our aging population must have access to safe and affordable care. Because most seniors desire to age at home, we will make homecare a priority in public policy and will implement programs to protect against elder abuse.

An article on McKnight’s puts the platform in context:

That is a slight departure from the party’s 2012 platform, which included provisions on seniors’ choices and combating elder abuse, but also a call “to ensure that quality care is provided across the care continuum from home to nursing home to hospice.”

The 2016 platform also includes a call to preserve the Medicare and Medicaid programs while reining in spending “before they consume most of the federal budget.”

Also included in the platform are plans to stop advancement of the Affordable Care Act, religious exemptions and funding for Alzheimer’s research.

Read the platform document here.

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