
Extended Stay: Elderly Ex-Marine Held Captive in a Motel Room for Four Years

An 86-year-old ex-Marine suffering from dementia was freed last week after being held captive in a motel room for four years. He reportedly survived on approximately one bowl of cereal per day.

His captor, who was arrested by police, allegedly stole the elderly man’s retirement benefits and Social Security checks.

According to the Washington Times:

Police arrested 35-year-old Perry Coniglio on Tuesday night in connection with Mr. McClellan’s captivity. The 86-year-old veteran, who suffers from dementia, was allegedly served meager portions of food and regularly forced back into the motel room with a stick.

Chief Jack Quinn of Highland Police Department told a local ABC affiliate on Wednesday that illegal drugs were found in Mr. Coniglio’s home.

“We believe he is the recipient of a tremendous amount of money on a monthly basis,” said Chief Jack Quinn, Highland Police Department, the station reported.

“The guy who was arrested who lived next door, he was giving him just one bowl of cereal a day, he would stick him back in the room with a stick, wasn’t bathing him, the old guy would just be walking around here naked, just terrible,” a neighbor added.

Mr. Coniglio was charged with unlawful imprisonment, grand larceny, criminal possession of a weapon, endangering an incompetent person, menacing and unlawful possession of marijuana. He is being held in Orange County Jail on $15,000 cash bail or $25,000 bond.

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