
Illinois to Allow Monitoring Devices in Nursing Homes


In 2016, Illinois nursing homes will begin allowing families of nursing home residents to install video and audio recording devices in their loved ones’ rooms. These will hopefully help to relieve some families about their concerns for those in nursing home care.

Attorney General Lisa Madigan stated that the bill, named House Bill 2462, grew from complaints that she was receiving regarding the safety and well-being of nursing home residents.

Advantage News elaborates on what this new bill will mean for concerned parties:

“The new year will bring new peace of mind for nursing home residents and their families, because for the first time, they will have the option of installing recording devices to ensure their loved ones are receiving appropriate care,” Madigan said.

Madigan noted that video and audio monitoring can be used as an added tool to help resolve disputes about suspected abuse or negligence. In addition, the video and audio monitoring allowed by this law can be helpful to nursing homes by alerting them to employees who may be involved in abusive or unacceptable behavior, and allowing them to take disciplinary measures.

After the General Assembly passed House Bill 2462 with overwhelming support, it was signed in August. The new law, which is Public Act 99-0430, will:

  • Allow for audio and video electronic monitoring devices in resident rooms;
  • Require resident and roommate consent;
  • Make nursing home residents or their representatives responsible for the purchase, installation and maintenance expenses of the devices;
  • Prohibit facility retaliation against residents for the use of the devices;
  • Provide for recordings to be admissible into evidence in administrative, civil and criminal proceedings; and
  • Provide misdemeanor and felony penalties for any person or entity that intentionally hampers, obstructs, tampers with, or destroys a recording or an electronic monitoring device.

Complaints about nursing home treatment are widespread. This new bill may help to alleviate some concerns.


Photo by Peter Taylor via Flickr CC License

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